Shiridi Sai Baba

Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement Tips:

1.  NUMBER( 7,2)
= At-most 7 digits
= At-least 2 digits after decimal.
= 123456 ( Not valid )
= 1234.567 ( valid )
= 12345.45 ( valid )

2.  Execution of clauses:
a.    FROM
b.    WHERE
c.    GROUP BY
d.    HAVING
e.    SELECT
f.     ORDER BY

3.  Queries are not case sensitive but values are case sensitive.
a.    SELECT ename, JOB, deptNo from eMP where ename like ‘smith’;
b.    SELECT ename, JOB, deptNo from eMP where ename like ‘SMITH’;

These two queries are different.

4.  Alias Names:
a.    ename as “Employee name”    valid
b.    ename as ‘Employee name’    Not valid
c.    ename as Employee Name               Not valid
d.    ename as EmployeeName                valid.

5.  NULL values
a.    NULL != 0
b.    NULL != ‘ ’
c.    NULL != NULL
d.    NULL + 123 = NULL
e.    NULL || ‘ABCD’ = ABCD
f.     NULL / 0 = NULL
g.    Select * from emp where comm = NULL;              (doesn’t work)
h.    Select * from emp where comm != NULL;   (doesn’t work)
i.     Select * from emp where comm IN (NULL); (doesn’t work)
j.     Select * from emp where comm IS NULL;              (work)
k.    Select * from emp where comm IS NOT NULL;      (work)
l.     For Integer values; use NULL explicitly
m.  For Char, varchar values ; use ‘’ explicitly.

6.  Date Fields
a.    Date 1+ Date 2                              Not valid
b.    Date 1 – Date 2                              returns no of days
c.    Date 1 + 10                                   add 10 days to Date1.
d.    Date 1 – 10                                    Subtracts 10 days from Date1.
e.    SYSDATE + 10                               add 10 days to current date.
f.     ’01-JAN-2012’ +10                       Not valid
g.    TO_DATE( ’01-JAN-2012’ ) +10     add 10 days to respective date.

7.  Char fields
a.    VARCHAR2(4)    abcde           Error: Length is too large
b.    VARCHAR2(4)    abdf             Valid
c.    Select ‘abcd’ from dual;         valid
Select “abcd” from dual;         In valid
d.    To display this string:  “She’s very beautiful.”
We need to use ’’.
i.e, Select ‘She’’s very beautiful.’ From dual;

8.  To get Distinct or UNIQUE records, we can use
a.    DISTINCT          (or)
b.    UNIQUE

=>  Select DISTINCT deptno from emp;
=>  Select UNIQUE deptno from emp;

9.   Select ‘4*4’ from dual; = 4*4
Select 4*4 from dual;   = 16.

10. Primitive Data types are : NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE.


a.    When we are Using CHAR datatype, memory is wasted because:
CHAR(6) = ‘ABC’.


ABC is filled in the first 3 bits and remaining bits are filled with NULL.

b.    When we are Using VARCHAR  datatype, memory is not wasted because:



ABC is filled in the first 3 bits and remaining bits are left empty.


             CHAR, VARCHAR supports ASCII characters. 
Range = 0-255

                     NCHAR, NVARCHAR supports UNICODE characters.
                            Range = 0-65535

13.  Metadata Tables:

a.    USER_TABLES:                  Current schema tables
b.    ALL_TABLES:                    All schema tables
c.    USER_TAB_COLUMNS:       All column details of current schema tables.