Shiridi Sai Baba

Restricting and Sorting Data Tips

Restricting and Sorting Data Tips

1.   10+’20’ = 30   ( Implicit conversion )
2.   To control NULL values,
=>  Use   “NULLS FIRST”   or   “NULLS LAST”.
=>  When we order by a column desc, NULLS are placed first. To shift them to last we need to use NULLS LAST.
=>  When we order by a column asc, NULLS are placed last. To shift them to first we need to use NULLS FIRST.

3.   Operators:
(i) Like:
a.    To search Employee name which starts with ‘S’.
Select * from emp where ename LIKE ‘S%’;

b.    To search Employee name which ends with ‘S’.
Select * from emp where ename LIKE ‘%S’;

c.    To search Employee name which contains 2 ‘S’.
Select * from emp where ename LIKE ‘%S%S%’;

d.    To search for a string which has 2nd character as ‘S’.
Select * from emp where ename like ‘_S%’;

     (ii) BETWEEN:
a.    Salary Range is 2000 to 4000.
Select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 4000;

b.    Hiredate from “01-jan-2010” to  “01-jan-2011”.
Select * from emp where hiredate between “01-jan-2010” AND “01-jan-2011”;

(iii) IN:
a.     Select all the employees who are working in dept no 20,30;
Select * from emp where deptno IN (20,30);

b.    Select all the employees who are working as ‘CLERK’ and ‘MANAGER’
Select * from emp where JOB IN (‘CLERK’, ‘MANAGER’)

(iv) IS:
a.    Select all the employees whose COMM is not null.
Select * from emp where COMM IS NOT NULL;

b.    Select all the employees whose names are not null.
Select * from emp where ename IS NOT NULL;

(v) ANY:
a.     Select the employees whose sal is > any of the CLERK.
Select * from emp where sal > ANY ( Select sal from emp where JOB = ‘CLERK’);

b.    Select the employees whose sal is > any of the employees working in dept no 20.
Select * from emp where sal > ANY ( Select sal from emp where deptno = 20 );

(vi) ALL
a.    Select the employees whose sal is > ALL the CLERK.
Select * from emp where sal > ALL ( Select sal from emp where JOB = ‘CLERK’);

b.    Select the employees whose sal is > ALL the employees who are working in deptno =20.
Select * from emp where sal > ALL ( Select sal from emp where deptno = 20 );

a.    Select the employee records whose deptno exists in dept table.
Select * from emp where EXISTS
( select * from dept where dept.deptno = emp.deptno);

     (viii) PIVOT
               PIVOT is where multiple rows are aggregated and transposed into columns, with each
column representing a different range of aggregate data.

4.   Operator Precedence

5.   Accept Inputs at Runtime.

(i) Using Single ‘&’ :

Using ‘&’, we can accept the values at runtime.

a) Select all the employees who are working in dept 30. Accept the deptno at runtime.
Select * from emp where deptno = & deptno;

b) Select all the employees who are working as CLERK. Accept the job from runtime.
     Select * from emp where JOB = ‘&job’;

c) Customize Select clause
     Select &select from emp;

     When we execute this, It asks for
     Enter value for select:  ename, sal
     Check your Output.

Note: When we use ‘&job’, Provide Input as CLERK.
When we use &job, Provide Input as ‘CLERK’.

(ii) Using Double ‘&&’:
     Using ‘&&’, we can provide input at runtime. This will ask for input only one time and
for every execution it replaces the value.
a) Insert the following data into Emp.
     Empno         = 1000,1001,1002,        1003.
     Ename          = ‘JOHN’, ‘JOHNSON’, ‘JAMES’, ‘JIN’.
     JOB              = ‘CLERK’ ( everyone)
Sal                    = 3200, 4200, 3800, 2950
Deptno    = 20 ( everyone )

Insert into emp ( empno, ename, job, sal, deptno )
     values ( &eno, ‘&ename’, ‘&&job’, &sal, &&deptno );

     (iii) Using DEFINE:
              Define select ename, sal;
              Select &select from emp;

     Note: Here select is replaced with ename, sal.