Shiridi Sai Baba

Multi Row Function

Multi Row Function Tips

=>    Will process group of records and returns one value from the group.
=>    These functions are also called as "Aggregate Functions"  or  "Group Functions".

(i)    Max():

=>    It returns maximum value of a given expression.

=>    MAX( expr )


1.    Display the maximum salary paid to the employee.
=>    Select MAX( sal ) from emp;

2.    Display the Maximum experienced employee.
=>    Select MAX( sysdate - hiredate ) from emp;

3.    Display the maximum salary of the employee who is working in 30th dept.
=>    Select Max( sal ) from emp where deptno = 30;

(ii)    Min():

=>    It returns minimum value of the given expression.

=>    MIN( expr )


1.    Display the minimum salary paid to the employee.
=>    Select MIN( sal ) from emp;

2.    Display the minimum experienced employee.
=>    Select MIN( sysdate - hiredate ) from emp;

3.    Display the minimum salary of the employee who is working in 30th dept.
=>    Select MIN( sal ) from emp where deptno = 30;

(iii)    SUM():

=>    It returns sum of the expression.

=>    SUM( expr )


1. Get the total paid to each Dept ?
=>    Select SUM( sal ) from Emp Group By dept;

(iv)    AVG():

=>    It returns the Average of the expression.

=>    AVG( expr )


1. Get the Average sal of all the employees ?
=>    Select AVG( sal ) from Emp;

(v)    COUNT():

=>    It returns the total no of records present in a column.
=>    Count ignores NULL values.
=>    Count will count duplicate values also.
        To ignore it, use DISTINCT keyword.
            " COUNT( DISTINCT empno ) "

=>    COUNT( expr )


1.  Count the no of employees working in dept no 30.
=>    Select count(*) from emp where deptno = 30;