Character Functions:
1. SUBSTR ( mainString, start, length )
2. INSTR( mainString, searchString, start, occurance)
3. REPLACE( mainString, searchString, replaceString )
4. TRANSLATE( mainString, charString, translateString )
More about Character Functions
Numeric Functions:
2. SIGN( number )
3. SQRT( number )
4. POWER( number1,number2 )
5. MOD( number1,number2 )
6. CEIL( decimal_number )
7. FLOOR( decimal_number )
a) ROUND( decimal_number, number )
b) ROUND( date, mode )
a) TRUNC( decimal_number, number )
b) TRUNC( date, mode )
More about Numeric Functions
Date Functions:
2. MONTHS_BETWEEN ( date1, date2 )
3. EXTRACT( MODE from date )
4. LAST_DAY( date )
5. NEXT_DAY( date )
More about Date Functions
Conversion Functions:
2. TO_CHAR( number, format )
3. TO_DATE( string, format )
4. TO_DATE( number, format )
5. TO_NUMBER( string, format )
More about Conversion Functions
Special Functions:
2. COALESCE( expr1, expr2, expr3, ..... )
3. NVL2( expr1, expr2, expr3 )
4. DECODE( expr1, value1, return value1, value2, return value2, ..... default value )
5. GREATEST( value1, value2, value3, .... )
6. LEAST( value1, value2, value3, .... )
7. CHR( number )
8. ASCII( character )
More about Special Functions
OLAP Functions or Analytical Functions or Window Functions:
2. DENSE_RANK() OVER ( expr )
3. ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( expr )
More about OLAP functions
Multi Row Functions:
2. MIN( column )
3. SUM( column )
4. AVG( column )
5. COUNT( column )
More about Multi Row Functions
2. In Character Functions, LENGTH and INSTR returns a Number.
In Date Functions, MONTHS_BETWEEN and EXTRACT( year, day ) retuns a Number.
3. All the above Functions return NULL values except
4. Functions which doesn't accept any arguments are called 'PSEUDO CODE' functions.
=> Sequence Pseudo Columns { CURRVAL, NEXTVAL }
5. Valid and Invalid Operations
=> sysdate + 10 is valid.
=> '01-JAN-12' + 20 is In Valid.
=> sysdate + (sysdate + 10) is In Valid.